Open Space Seattle:2100

Monday, August 07, 2006

People for Puget Sound Speaker Series

Going to do a little blogging blitzkreig here, so to start off, something that arrived in the old email box today, PPS's speaker series. If the Puget Sound is going to get healthy, cities are going to have to be part of that solution, from encouraging more walkable communities to protecting the riparian corridors that snake across the city, it is the cities where most of us live and, in our daily decisions, it is where we hurt the Sound most. So let's figure out how to fix it. Here are the details


Fall 2007

Sept. 7 Sound Stories
Brenda Peterson
novelist and nature writer
event description
Oct. 5
All Wet and Happy That Way Jeff Renner
KING 5 News
event description
Nov. 2
Commercial Shellfishing Culture
in Washington State
Bill Dewey
Taylor Shellfish Company
event description
Dec. 7
King of Fish
and the Environmental History
of Puget Sound Rivers
David Montgomery
University of Washington
event description

Winter/Spring 2007

Feb. 1
Sea Otter Reproduction
at the Seattle Aquarium
C.J. Casson
Curator of Life Sciences
event description
March 1
Discovering the Roots of Northwest Cuisine
Cynthia Nims
Food author
event description
April 5
Listening to the Birds:
What seabirds are telling us about Puget Sound
Julia Parrish
University of Washington
event description
May 3
Illegal in Six Southern States:
Tales of fish sex
Milton Love
University of California Santa Barbara
event description

$6 People For Puget Sound members
$8 non-members
$40 season pass (8 programs) People For Puget Sound members
$55 season pass non-members

For more information and registration, contact Lynne Jordan by phone at (206) 382-7007 or email at

15th Anniversary Special: In consideration of a monthly contribution of $15 per month, you will receive 1 free season's pass to the speaker series. Sign up here to make your monthly contribution. Be sure to write "Speaker Series Special" in the comments. Or just give us a call at (206) 382-7007 to sign up over the phone.


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