Thoughts on the Bicycle Master Plan

In our round-up of the Bicycle Master Plan post, we quickly linked to an old DJC op/ed about why Copenhagen was so successful in getting such high ridership numbers on bicycles. There are some amazing facts in that article. 32% of Copenhagen's residents bicycle to work. 32%. We have 1.8%. Weak.
The author, Patricia Chase, notes that there are three big carrots, as to why this is so, plus one big old stick.
First the carrots:
"bicycle planning has the same status as public transport in planning and funding. Bike paths and routes are either clearly marked or separated from vehicular traffic by curbs, bike lanes have their own traffic signals and bikes are prioritized over cars at places where they meet."
I want to linger on her second point for just a moment. When visiting Denmark, I have always thought that this was the single most brilliant thing there.

Other great things include in our Master Plan: striping through intersections

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