Green Mayoral Celebrity Showdown: Nickels v Daley

Who's the greenest Mayor in the land? Sure, Mayor Nickels gets face time in Vanity Fair, but the New York Times gives Mayor Daley of Chicago, in the parlance of the day, major props. Why, you may ask, would the Times give so much newsprint to some Second City in the midwest? What about the Mayor's Climate Protection Agreement? The Times barely mentions it.
But know what gets time going? What excites some hoidy-toidy Big Apple journalist as the most promising, most evocative metaphor for a future green urbanism? Is is high-performance buildings? Green energy sources? Pipe-bombing cars (remember Daley did bulldoze an airport surrepticiously overnight)? No no no, of course not. The salvation of our city lies in . . . mulch.
We knew it. For more benefits of mulch, read here.
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